One of the main issues being discussed in connection with the future of high street retailers is the need to provide a shopping experience to consumers. But what exactly does that mean and how can smaller cities deliver it. On many occasions the only thing the city planners come up with is to establish an attractive restaurant and cafe scene.
But with a little creativity you can do much more. Andreas Martin, Managing Partner at CONCEPTA, explained some of the possibilities in his presentation at DSCF 2019 in Düsseldorf.“In Dülmen we will combining an open-plan design that is typical for the region with a roof-top garden featuring apiaries, a flower meadow and a lounge operated by the successful Mezzomar restaurant. In Velbert, a city famous for its lock and security technology industries, we put a 5-metres-high key with glockenspiel on the new city plaza. Our interior design concepts also integrate digital innovations to enhance the customer experience.” We need to introduce new concepts for future retail properties to make them attractive places for social interaction in an increasingly anonymous world.